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Marmaris Attractions

The main attraction of Marmaris is himself. A small paradise, carefully surrounded on one side by massive mountain ranges and a scattering of dense thickets of cedar, citrus and coniferous trees, on the other seas and islets. At first glance, this city is ideal for a quiet family holiday, but if you get to know it better, it becomes clear that Marmaris has a lot of secrets, surprises and easily adjusts to the desires of any of his guests.

The most popular sights of Marmaris are of course connected with the town itself, its history and picturesque nature. It is certainly worth walking along the longest embankment of Turkey, stretching for as much as 13 km. To admire the singing fountains and find out where the name of the city came from: from a pearl or fortress, which became an undesirable sultan.

In the evening, look at the light on the Street of bars, to have fun from the heart and dance to the incendiary tracks of the world DJ. And in the morning as if nothing happened to conquer significant places, for example, to see the place of confluence of two seas, or to make a cherished wish, having reached the end of the crimson sandy spit Kyz-Kuma.

Leafing through the pages of our online magazine you can read about other sights of Marmaris, about what excursions are worth visiting in the first place, where it is better to go with children; Learn about the most up-to-date news from the life of the city and even take advantage of our practical tips on how to make your vacation perfect.