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Questions and answers

Questions and answers

Questions and answers

Here we have written answers to frequently asked questions.

How to book an excursion? And in what time is it better to do this?

In order to order your chosen excursion, you need to place an application on the website or write to our managers in WhatsApp or Viber to the number indicated on the website. After booking, we immediately receive an email with your application. We recommend that you book the excursion in advance, preferably one day before it starts.

How can we find out the time of departure for the excursion from our hotel?

We pick up our guests from their place of residence from Marmaris, Icmeler and Turunc, and deliver them back. You will receive a confirmation email with a timestamp

You do not need to pay extra for transfers from the regions.

Do I need to reconfirm my booking after checking in?

No, this is optional. Please be present in the hotel lobby at the reception at the time specified in the application. There is no need for additional calls. We save our guests' money on communication services, all questions can be asked online.

Can I confirm the application again by phone?

At your request. If you have any questions, we will be happy to answer them.

What regions of Marmaris do you pick up for excursions?

We pick up our guests free of charge from Icmeler, Turunc and anywhere along these routes. You can contact us if you are not sure if the hotel is located in a particular area.

Do I need to leave the hotel?

We pick up our guests from their hotels. We need to know your full address to accurately and quickly locate your location. Please contact us with these questions.

Do I need to include my room number?

This is not absolutely necessary. But knowing the room number, we can quickly find you. In case of your delay or misunderstanding about the time of the meeting, we ask the administrator to contact you. When booking before checking into the hotel, please indicate your full name. This makes it much easier to find your number.

How will you find us at the hotel?

Since some hotels are not allowed to enter, we recommend that you wait at the door or at the gate, where there is a separate guard. Please let us know in case of delay.

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