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Best Hamam in Marmaris

How to choose the best hamam in Marmaris and get the most out of visiting a real Turkish bath

Best Hamam in Marmaris

Hamam has been a pearl of Turkish tradition since ancient times and the best one can be found in Marmaris that will take you back to the era of the sultans. Many medium to large hotels have Turkish baths. But, this is more entertainment than true rituals that the ancient "cream of society" loved so much.

The best hamam in Marmaris will offer you a whole range of spa treatments in an oriental atmosphere. At the beginning, the preparatory stage. You will be escorted to a eucalyptus sauna. A warm Finnish sauna improves blood circulation. And the pleasant aroma of menthol and eucalyptus not only cheers up, but also perfectly cleanses the lungs, preventing viral infections. Now you can go to the hamam. Here the air temperature is not higher than 45 degrees, and the humidity sometimes reaches 100%. Such indicators accelerate the metabolism in the body, relieve tension in muscles and joints, gently cleanse the skin, removing toxins and toxins.

After such preparation, you will undergo an unusual body peeling using Kese's glove. This procedure completes the skin cleansing process. You will feel true bliss in the process of foam and then, relaxing massage. All these rituals are carried out by the hands of real professionals in their field, using natural olive oil. A seaweed face mask will allow you to combine business with pleasure. You will experience a rejuvenating effect.

During breaks, you will be treated to delicious Turkish tea and fresh fruit. And for dessert there will be an amazing foot massage with Garra Rufa fish. At such moments I don't want to think about organizational issues at all. We provide a comfortable transfer from your hotel in both directions and agree on a convenient time to visit the hamam.

Book the Best Hamam in Marmaris tour and delight yourself and your loved ones.