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How to get from Marmaris to Ephesus

You can get from Marmaris to Ephesus by a rented car, by bus or as part of an excursion in 2.5-3 hours

How to get from Marmaris to Ephesus

A group excursion from Marmaris to Ephesus will cost you only $ 20. This is the easiest and most fun way to get to the legendary ancient city. You will visit all the most impressive sights and learn all the interesting facts about the city of Ephesus.

You can get to Ephesus by Bus. But, there is no direct flight from Marmaris. You will need to change in the city of Aydin to a bus to Selcuk, from here about 6 km to Ephesus. You can take a taxi.

The distance from Marmaris to the city of Ephesus Museum is 206 km. It can be easily covered by a rented car in about 2.5 hours. There are toll road sections along the way. You will be offered to purchase a sticker card for $ 1.3 and refill it for a minimum amount of $ 8.

Whichever way you choose to get from Marmaris to Ephesus, this city is worth your time and attention. Monuments from the times of Ancient Greece and the Roman Empire are perfectly preserved here. This is a huge open-air museum, where each exhibit has been carefully transferred through tens of centuries, preserving the history, traditions and culture of bygone eras.